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District 9930 Insurance Questions

David Partis

Hi there, I have been in discussion with DG Bill and Craig Horrocks around some insurance questions and have been advised to lodge them as a post on this forum for answering.

Below are some example scenarios of potential issues that could happen with events we are involved in as the Rotary Club of Cambridge.

  1. A vehicle is damaged or a person is injured in a marshalling activity.
  2. At a Youth Club event in a Rugby Club Hall a group gather around a DJ and are dancing up and down and break through the floor.
  3. Garden Festival, third party properties visited by the public under our banner. Damage to property or injury to people.
  4. Our Bruised Brothers Rotary band play at all sorts of Gigs, are we covered?
  5. We facilitate BBQ events from time to time, what if someone was taken ill or died from any service that we deliver in the public domain.

Can you please respond with clarification on what cover we have for the above and what additional cover we may need. Thanks David

1 Answer
Rotary Oceania
Best Answer

These are hypothetical questions.  The answers constitute financial advice which requires the broker to provide and answer and those can be provided on a specific proposal to insure the risk.

A vehicle is damaged or a person is injured in a marshalling activity.  The first part is a property damage issue and would require a specific cover such as event insurance.  The second part is covered by  ACC and in the event of a Health and Safety Failure, the Associations Cover.

At a Youth Club event in a Rugby Club Hall a group gather around a DJ and are dancing up and down and break through the floor.  This is like a music or sports event and is a special risk which would require referral to the broker for advice as a registered financial advisor.

Garden Festival, third party properties visited by the public under our banner. Damage to property or injury to people. This is a third party property damage issue and should be covered by taking out event insurance or alternatives as advised by the broker. The application for event cover is available and can be progressed by your District Insurance Officer (DIO) with the broker.

Our Bruised Brothers Rotary band play at all sorts of Gigs, are we covered?  If they are entertaining within the example provided, such as a retirement home, the Rotarians activity should be covered by the policies held by the home.   We suggest you provide a schedule of previous events whichyour DIO  can then put in front of the broker for their advice.

We facilitate BBQ events from time to time, what if someone was taken ill or died from any service that we deliver in the public domain.  If you are providing the BBQ and food, then you will need a Health and Safety Plan in place which includes requirements that meet Food Safety Guidelines.   If you are contracting this out, then you need to ensure that the contractor has insurance in place to cover this and has the approporiate food safety certifications.

There is further information in the ROZEvents Management Agreement which can be downloaded through the forms and Documents page under the Members Centre (no log in required).

This answer to your posting will be provided to the DIOs who may add further comments and your District Governor will be added so the the 9930 DIO (once appointed) can also comment. The DIOs will schedule this posting and reply, for review by the broker at their next on-line meeting with the broker and at that stage, further responses may be provided.
