Welcome to Rotary Club of Maketu
Where a diverse group of people with a shared passion for community service come together.
We offer a range of activities and projects that you can participate in, whether on your own, as a couple, or as a group.
Not only will you have fun and make new friends, but you'll also make a difference in our community.
If you're interested in learning more, please don't hesitate to reach out to Maureen at 021 267 1685 or rotarymaketu@gmail.com for a casual, no-pressure conversation.
Meeting details
When do we meet?
Every 1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY, 6:00 for 6:30pm
What time does it start?
6:00pm Social get together
6:30pm Meal / Meeting start
Where do we meet?
Maketu Community Centre
(adjacent to the Maketu Fire Station)
670 Wilson Rd N. Maketu
How do I get in touch?
Email - rotarymaketu@gmail.com
Mob - 021 267 1685
Our club also frequently meetings at other venues, including meetings that involve our members in community service. We welcome visitors.
Contact Maureen Waterhouse to let us know you'll be joining us to confirm our meeting venue for the night and so that we can have a meal ready, on rotarymaketu@gmail.com or 021 267 1685.
NOTE: From time to time we may have a special programme which involves meeting at another venue, or changing our regular Wednesday meeting day. You are encouraged to contact Maureen to confirm our meeting details for a specific date.